Coaching from a Spirit-Centred Place

Coaching from a Spirit-Centred Place

There are no words.

It's funny to feel that way – as a writer, I expect there to be words whenever I need them.

But, right now, I'm heading into Day 6 of the NLP Coach Training and the joy and gratitude and courage and strength and passion of the women I am working with has left me speechless.

The 8-day training is designed to be an intensive. You get 4 Board Designations (coaching, NLP, hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy®) and that is a gruelling schedule.

It's equivalent to 2 years of college… in just over a week.

The thing is, that doesn't even begin to describe what these students are going through.

It is the most powerful self-development and change program that I have ever seen. And they are smack in the middle of it being pushed up against every piece of 'stuff' that they have managed to avoid for… well, forever.

There are tears, yes, and there is such courage.

"Here, do this technique…" I say as I send them off to read the next script.

Whatever they've just hit, they pull themselves out of it, put themselves together (yes, we've given them the tools to do that too), and get into a physiology of excellence so that they can be 100% present and in their bodies to MAKE SURE that their clients get to success.

That is what makes a GREAT coach.

I am awed. And humbled. And so freakin' grateful that I get to change the world by changing one person at a time. And that's what they'll get to do too.

This sh*t rocks.

And I don't think that anyone who isn't in it can truly understand just how transformative it is. Boundaries must be set with spouses, kids, and clients.

That unknowable quality is why we encourage anyone who feels called to it, to step up and trust that they're on the right path and that that small, hopeful, frightened, courageous voice inside of them that is saying, 'YES! Let's do it!' is telling the truth.

When it comes to stepping out of your comfort zone – and you have to step out if you want to change the world – there is NO WAY to know beforehand what is on the other side.

No way. You must rely on the stories of people who have gone ahead of you – or on that small voice inside of you that knows far more than your conscious mind.

This journey, and the trust it requires, is why I'm so excited to be sharing some of my favourite ideas and tools at our Super-Saturday event on November 22nd.

The days starts with a deep-dish on self-care and stress management during the holidays and how to create holiday experiences that will mean the world to you and your family. There is a way out of the madness.

The second seminar is my passion – Discovering Your Passionate Purpose™ – where I'll guide you through myths about life purpose and then help you step into the purpose that is most definitely there waiting for you.

Finally, we're finishing the day with a seminar for anyone who wants to learn to fight fair in their most intimate relationships. We'll talk about how to win, how to love someone even when they're irritating, and how to create a vision for your marriage (or long-term relationship) that inspires and motivates you to make it work.

Come for one, two, or come for the day. There's no admission fee, we just ask that you register in advance so we know how many chairs to put out. And please pass this on to anyone who you think could use some inspiration and self-care tools.

While we're doing all of that we'll also be collecting monetary and food donations to support the Salvation Army York Region's Christmas Toy and Food Drive. There are so many families that need help to make it through the season and I am so grateful that I can share my abundance and gifts in this way to make a difference.

We change the world one small caring action at a time and I hope you'll join with me to change your part of the world this season.

Vanessa Long

Vanessa Long

Looking to transform your relationship with your Self, your Source, or your Spouse? You've come to the right place. Sacred Physicality will help you create a life you love and relationships that rock. Welcome!

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