Creating a life in balance

Is February starting to drag you down? Or have you been seeing that the sun is coming up a bit earlier every day and feeling the stirrings of Spring?

Spring is just around the corner and I'm really looking forward to March. We're moving along with the (seemingly endless) renovations here at the house and I'm excited that, as of April, my office will be moving back home. Yay! It's a great way to simplify my life and an exciting new step on my entrepreneurial adventure.

Our first 3-hour training is coming up on Thursday evening, February 28th from 7 to 10 p.m. Take Charge of Your Life… Now! will address the 3 big mistakes that small business owners face that keep them stressed out, struggling to pay the bills, and ready to drop out and get a j-o-b.

Those of you who have been to my previous workshops know that this will be jam-packed with useful information and a great introduction to the work that I do – and how I can help you transform your business and life.

Tickets are $15 at the door but if you pre-register here, admission is on me. Bring your partner, spouse, or a friend and enjoy an inspiring evening that will get your life and business moving forward.

It was pointed out to me last week that my auto-responders were not, in fact, auto-responding. I've fixed that problem but I wanted to make sure that everyone who had signed up received this valuable information.

So, over the next several weeks, I'll be sharing these three tools for your life and business toolkit. Enjoy! Today's article gives you a quick way to see if your life is in balance.

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