Jesus Is a Really Bad Houseguest

Jesus Is A Really Bad Houseguest

It's funny how, when you agree to let God into your life, things start to change. It's even funnier how, when you start surrendering to God, things start to flow.

This idea for a blog post popped into my head yesterday, which is surprising since I watched the inspiration for this post several months ago.

What was the inspiration? This video by Michael Jr. on Jesus standing outside your house, asking if he can come in (the story starts around 22 minutes in).

I've decided to stop fighting *everything* that I get inspired to do and instead try flowing along with it. So, even though this is the riskiest post I've ever done – I'm kind of laying my heart on the line – I'm going to trust that it's okay.

I got the idea to do this blog post about Jesus being a terrible houseguest and then this is the Bible verse that arrived today in my Inbox: 

John 14:23 GNT

"Jesus answered him, “Those who love me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and my Father and I will come to them and live with them."

Funny, right? Weird, right?

I mean, it's not like I get dozens of posts per day. I just get one. And this is what arrived: a reminder that God has moved in. Less than 24 hours after I got my idea.

To me that's weird and wonderful and I have to admit I'm getting used to it. It seems to be the way God works. At least with me.

If I'll just take the hint, then things start to flow. Synchronicity starts to happen. Beauty starts to pop.

I like it. No. Scratch that. I *love* it.

It makes my heart all fuzzy and warm.

And that's what it's like having Jesus as a houseguest. He refuses to stay in his room and keep his nose out of my business. He gets in everywhere and asks ALL the awkward questions and he. won't. go. away.

Even though I'm pretty sure I haven't always been a good host. Okay, I'm positive.

Since he arrived, he's gotten into my health, my relationship, my family, and my business. He's so nosy. And opinionated. He won't shut up. Seriously.

I can hear this little voice asking me if I *really* love this or that possession, if I *really* need this or that relationship or clients and worst of all, he keeps pointing out wounds and limiting beliefs that I haven't yet let go.

"Are you sure you still need this?" he whispers.

Ever since he knocked and I reluctantly cracked the door for him to come in, he's been whittling away at my pretend toughness, at any part of me that is not genuine. Every place where I've tried to hide the truth, he's dug through closets and drawers and found it.

I've been a tough case. I admit it. I grew up in an non-religious home. My mom was a lapsed Anglican and my dad was a lapsed Catholic and I finally figured out that they were both Church-hurt. Anyway, there was NO religion in our home and I was good with that.

I had no intention of EVER having a personal relationship with him. EV-ER! But he wouldn't go away.

He keeps pushing me to be better.

He's always willing to help. Always ready with a next step when I'm feeling lost.

And he keeps loving me. No matter how unloveable I may be feeling on any given day.

That's why allowing him to come in was the best decision I've ever made.

If you're curious, comment down below or contact us at Sacred Physicality to find out what all this is about.

And if you're not curious, or this doesn't resonate at all with you. That's okay. We'll meet you where you are and we'll get you on purpose and building a life you love from the ground up. You don't have to have a certain faith to play with us. You just have to want a life that is better than what you have now.

I just wanted to share an idea about where I am in my own journey and I hope you can hear it for what it is, especially if you're one of my Church-hurt goddesses. I am here for you and I know we can build a life that you love.

Because life renovation is what we do around here.