Find Your Purpose

Oh boy! I'm getting pretty excited. Well, nervous and excited. Okay, maybe a bit terrified and nervous and super-stoked-excited beyond measure!!!

Next week is the official launch of my new program, Discovering Your Passionate Purpose, and I have been working furiously to finish every part of the project.

Wow! It's pretty amazing just how much work it is to FINISH a project. In my last note to you I was talking about how I'd made a major breakthrough so that I could start finishing projects with a little (or a lot!) more grace and ease? 

Well, here, it is. The proof is in the pudding. I've been in the studio this month recording some groovy hypno tracks that will have you blissfully floating toward your passionate purpose and all the while I've been looking for ways to tighten up the program so that you get the best possible experience in the fastest possible time.

And now it's launching next week. Wow! Time flies!

I hope you'll be able to join me next Wednesday at the online launch.

I'll be hosting a call to let you hear all about Discovering Your Passionate Purpose and how it can help you bring more focus, more joy, more peace, and more clarity to EVERYTHING you do and every decision you make. Yup! Everything! Because when you know your purpose then it gets a lot easier to make decisions in every area of your life.

The official launch is next Wednesday but I'm still offering a very juicy pre-launch special up to the 30th.

It's a huge savings and if you want to check it out, your passionate purpose is right here.