Time for some Spring cleaning?

I love this time of year. The birds are a riotous cacophony in the mornings that somehow still manages to be beautiful and inspiring.

Even better, all of the plans and ideas that we nurtured and dreamt up during the winter are ready to start bursting forth. If income has been slow, it's ready to start picking back up. 

I think that there's a reason we say that, 'Hope Springs Eternal!' – and it isn't just because Alexander Pope said it an essay almost 300 years ago.

In the energy of the yearly Wheel, spring is when the earth explodes in fertility and creation and ecstasy after the dark and cold of the winter. As part of the earth, it makes sense that we would feel this energy in ourselves as well.

So how are you feeling?

Are you loving the sounds and sights of Spring?

Or are you dreading what is to come?

How you respond to what life brings you is the key indicator of happiness and health… and wealth.

I've just celebrated my birthday with a trip to Niagara-on-the-Lake with my sweetie. While we were there we checked out the Vintage Inns for possible future retreats.

It is such a gift that I get to host transformational events for my people and I'm looking forward to our Problem Elimination weekend in June and the Retreats in Fall 2013 and Winter 2014.

If you're not loving where you are and you're ready to make a change, check out our upcoming workshops, we even have a teleseminar if you live away.

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