Business Success is a Process, Not an Event

Are you treating your business like a heist?

Happy Tuesday! I’m working away this week, coaching clients and welcoming the first new students into The PowerHouse Business Academy (we’re still in the amazing Early Bird bonus period) and I’m thinking long-term.

Like… what do I want the next 5-10 years of my business to feel like?

What do I want to see happen? How do I want my business to weave together with my life? What do I want that balance to look like? How do I want to shine my light and allow Divine light to shine through me?

Who do I want to be – and where do I want to be – 5 years from now? 1 year from now?

I believe it’s so important that we have regular strategic planning sessions for our business and that’s why we have THREE planning events coming up over the next 2 months.

In December, I’m running a 1-day social media marketing intensive for The Academy students and a few of my 1-1 clients to share what I’ve learned about showing up social over the last couple of years. (respond to this email if you’d like to attend)

And then, in January, I’ll be hosting a 15-day Planning Pyjama Party Challenge and a 3-day Virtual Planning Retreat. 

My goal is that you’ll get to mid-January and know exactly what needs to happen in 2020 to get your business where it needs to be to work seamlessly with your life.

You can register for the Challenge here.

Are You Waiting for Your Big Score?

I love heist movies. I love the strategic thinking. The twists and turns. The tension. And, of course, when that movie is Oceans 11 or Oceans 12, it’s also filled with some of my favourite actors, so that’s a definite plus.

“Hey there! I see you, George and Julia!”

And I’m thinking about heist movies this morning because heist movies are all about the big score. They usually start with some version of, “this’ll be the last time” and that thinking is used to recruit everyone onto the team for one more go at the BIG ONE.

I think that one of the reasons heist movies are so popular is because they tap into our society’s unconscious desire for the BIG SCORE – the big win. The lottery. The inheritance.

That one thing that will take us from suffering to financial freedom.

That one moment that will change our lives forever and mean we never have to show up for work again, or never have to struggle again, or never have to work up early again.

The problem is, it’s an illusion. It’s a lie.

And it gets fed to us day after day, show after show, until we believe that it’s the only way to win, when, in fact, it’s the furthest thing from.

Your Business is Not a Heist Movie

I just finished reading MJ DeMarco’s book, “The Millionaire Fastlane” and my big take-away was this:

Wealth is not an event, it’s a process.

whooooshhhhh… breathe that one in. Wealth is not an event, it’s a process.

And when you’re building your business, success is not an event, it’s a process.

There’s no one moment when you’re going to suddenly win.

Yes, when you’re working a well-chosen strategy consistently, there will be big wins, there will be big moments. It’s true. But they aren’t a one-shot. They’re part of the larger whole.

There’s no one webinar, program, JV, networking meeting, client, or post that changes everything forever – from darkness to light.

Overnight successes take years to create.

And if you haven’t developed your entrepreneurial neurology – the ability to hold the success that you’re looking to create – any big wins that you do stumble into will slip through your fingers.

We have to really, really get this:

Winning in business is all about consistently working a well-chosen strategy. 

Showing up every dang day and doing your thang.

For years.

And when you’re a soulpreneur, we add on that it’s working a divinely aligned strategy – expressing your soul mission to have an impact and change the world while you change your world.

There are no short-cuts to winning when it comes to wealth and business.

We need to stop living and working like we’re in a heist movie and commit to building something that lasts – something that we can invest in now so that it will take care of us later. It is possible – you just need the right strategy.

If you’re ready to get serious about your business, then check out my new training, The 3 Essentials You Must Have to Build a Successful, Profitable – and Sustainable! – Coaching or Soulpreneur Business. The early bird closes December 15th and you can register here for instant access.

If you’re feeling pulled betwixt and between and you’re not sure why, let’s talk. There is a better way to live than feeling out of control in your own life.

I’m here to support you as your grow your dreams.

Let me know what you need and what questions you have.


3 Essentials to Build a Successful, Profitable – and Sustainable! – Coaching or Soulpreneur Business

In this powerful training – that comes complete with an 18-page workbook! – I share with you what I’ve learned about what to focus on – and what not to focus on! – when you’re building to your first six-figures in your soul-based service business.

Go here and register to get instant access.

If you just know, deep in your belly, that your business isn’t living up to its potential, this training will shine light on your path forward. It’ll lay out your next steps and how you can get moving toward the success you yearn for.

Register for the 3 Essentials to Build a Success, Profitable – and Sustainable! – Coaching or Soulpreneur Businessright now – before the day whisks you away – and get immediate access.


From January 1st to 15th, we’re doing a…

15-Day Pyjama Planning Party Challenge + Virtual Retreat 

It’s a full 15-days of organizing to get you ready for a solid and profitable 2020. 

Right smack dab in the middle of that Planning Party, I’ll be running a 3-day virtual planning retreat, exclusively for everyone who has joined the Seasons of Success.

Register for the Party here.

That’s right! For the first time in 8 years, I’m not going to Ste. Anne’s in January to run my luxury retreat. This year, I’m bringing the strategies and planning straight into the comfort of your home.

I’m excited for the magic that we’ll create. Stay tuned… I’ll be releasing more details as we get closer to the date. Just make sure you block off January 9-11 on your calendar so you don’t miss a thing.