Gap Magick



Congratulations! You’ve done the thing!

You’ve applied for the job, joined the app, made the invitation, listed your home, put in the offer, … or a 1,000 other bold, courageous actions that you believe are taking you toward the life that you desire…

… now what?

This is the course that guides you through the spin and anxiety of the post-action vulnerability hangover.

Early love for Gap Magick:

Oh MY God- Yesssss. Thank you. You are indeed a genius and a goddess (and I am too when I jump through my magick portal). This is exactly what I needed.

Gap Magick shows you, specifically, what you can do in the moments in between taking action toward what you desire and receiving the manifestation… those moments when our minds run away with us and we so often end up miserable and sabotaging our own magick.

Are you ready?

It’s time to create some beautiful Gap Magick.


Waiting sucks. Let’s just start there.

Waiting in line. In the waiting room. On hold. Sometimes it feels like most of our lives are spent… waiting.

There doesn’t seem to be anything to do other than be anxious about what’s coming, frustrated that it’s taking so long, or feeling like it’s futile and never going to really happen for us anyway.

(I mean… who are we to ask for something so big and daring anyway? Who do we think we are?)

What if there was a different way?

Of course there is.

Of course.

What if, instead of being miserable in the waiting and constantly fighting the spin, you could corral your thoughts and emotions and turn your daily life into a magickal one where you tap into universal flows and wait with eager anticipation (and a healthy dose of surrender!) for your inevitable manifestation to arrive?

What if you could trust that it would be this or something better and for the highest good of all?

Gap Magick will show you how.

Your guide, Vanessa, will walk you through how to re-arrange your daily routine so that every day you are nourishing your manifestation – and breaking ancient trauma programming while you’re at it! – and creating a sacred, magickal life.

Because, my beautiful sweet soul, the Universe does not actually ask, “who are you to dare to ask for this?” – that’s our trauma and Parts…

… but, instead, rushes to meet us with a hug and a loving,

“We’re so glad you’re here! We’ve been waiting for you to make this move!”

From Vanessa:

“This course is a love note to you. I heard you asking for it, conversation after conversation. You’re so amazing, taking bold and courageous action and stepping outside of your Comfort Zone and I see you. I see you struggling with what to do after you’ve done the thing because it’s in the after that we get trapped in the spin. This is for you. I love you and want to see you creating a life that you love and loving the life you’ve created. Enjoy!”


The Details

  • 40 short, easy-to-digest videos
  • over 2-1/2 hours of training
  • audios so you can listen where and when you desire
  • a Serenity Float that you can do as often as needed to calm your nervous system and magnetize your manifestation
  • journalling prompts
  • self-coaching techniques to get you out of the spin and into alignment with that which you desire
  • timeline hopping and portal techniques to move you into a new reality
  • a step-by-step walk-through for creating your own powerful rituals
  • ideas to elevate your everyday life into something sacred
  • intention setting, visualizing, clearing blocks, and more…


Gap Magick is unabashedly witchy, trauma-informed, and a deep dive into what really gets in the way between you and the life that you desire.