
Beltaine – May Day



It’s the height of Spring and the 3rd fertility and fire festival – it’s the lusty month of May!

Align your body, mind, and soul with the natural rhythms of the Wheel of the Year in this playful exploration of self-love, sensuality, and somatics.

This course includes teachings on the energetics and themes of Beltaine plus a guided meditation to awaken your senses and joyful lust for life.

What’s inside:

~ Learn how to create your own unique, customized Beltaine ritual or celebration.

~ Explore where your body is desiring more vitality

~ A Tarot spread specifically designed to gather intel from your Unconscious Mind for this seasonal transition

~ Journalling prompts to take your exploration deeper

~ A gentle stroll with the ‘fair folk’ exploring how to begin or gently deepen your relationship with your land spirits, and

~ Reflections on the deep cleansing and purification of the Spring festivals

(get access to Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltaine, Summer Solstice, and all 8 celebrations of the Wheel of the Year – plus access to The Christmas Graces when you invest in the bundle)


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